Application Documents

These documents are needed to prepare your FCT Parks and Open Space Program Application.

FCT Self-Score Check Sheet Coming Soon

The FCT Self-Score Check Sheet is a helpful but optional tool to determine if a project will receive a competitive evaluation score. 

Application Completeness Check Sheet Coming Soon

The Application Completeness Check Sheet should be completed before submitting the grant application to minimize mistakes or omissions in preparing the application. 

Application Transmittal Letter

This application transmittal letter (sample) binds the applicant to fulfill commitments made in the application.

Willing Owner Statement

This willing owner statement (sample) indicates that the property would be acquired under a Voluntarily-Negotiated Transaction.

Application Development Resources

These resources may be helpful in preparing your FCT Parks and Open Space Grant Application.

Population Estimates

The State of Florida uses the latest estimate of resident population from the most recent edition of Florida Estimates of Population, as published by the Population Division, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida.

Recreational Facilities on Florida Communities Trust Sites

list of the more common recreational facilities found on FCT sites throughout Florida. This list is not exhaustive. If you are considering facilities not listed or have any questions, please contact FCT.

Office of Greenways and Trails

DEP's Office of Greenways and Trails provides information on Recreational Trails and State-Designated Paddling Trails (Criteria (2)(b)3 and (2)(b)5).

Natural Communities Information/Florida Natural Areas Inventory

The Florida Natural Areas Inventory's (FNAI) Guide to the Natural Communities of Florida is the classification system for the various natural communities types found in the state. FNAI will also provide Applicants with Locally Significant Natural Area information for their project site (FNAI may charge a fee for this service). (Criteria (2)(d)1 and (2)(d)2).

Listed Species

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission provides information on Florida's Imperiled Species (endangered species, threatened species and Species of Special Concern). (Criteria 2(d)2 and 2(d)4).

Strategic Habitat Conservation Areas

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission provides information on Strategic Habitat Conservation Areas (Criteria (2)(d)4 and (2)(b)5).

Forest Stewardship Program

Review this Forest Stewardship Program information to determine if your site qualifies for this Florida Forest Service program (Criterion (2)(d)5).

Landowner Assistance Program

Review the Landowner Assistance Program information to determine if your site qualifies for this Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation program (Criterion (2)(d)6).

Outstanding Florida Waters

Information on Outstanding Florida Waters is available from the Department of Environmental Protection (Criterion 2(f)2).

Class 1 Waterbodies

Information on Class 1 Waterbodies is available from the Department of Environmental Protection (Criterion 2(f)3).

Invasive Species

Information on Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's List of Invasive Species (Criterion 2(e)1).

Flood Hazard Areas

FEMA's Mapping Information Platform provides flood maps for most areas (Criterion (3)(b)1).


Information on State Designated Brownfields from the Department of Environmental Protection (Criterion 3(b)2).

Military Base Buffering Geographic Data

Use these maps to determine if your project site is in the vicinity of a Major Military Installation (Criteria 3(b)3a-3(b)3c).

Main Street Programs

Active Florida Main Street Programs from the Department of State (Criterion (3)(c)2).

Waterfronts Florida Program Communities

List of communities that have been designated Waterfronts Florida Partnership Communities (Criterion 3(c)3).

Designated Low-Income Community

Project Sites within the boundary of a U.S. Census tract in which the median family income is less than half that of the state median family income.
To determine a Designated Low-Income Community, please see:

Rural Areas of Opportunity (formerly Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern)

Counties and communities designated as Rural Areas of Opportunity (formerly Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern) (Criterion (3)(c)5).

Areas of Critical State Concern

Project Sites located within a current or previously designated Area of Critical State Concern, pursuant to Section 380.05, F.S.

Florida Outdoor Recreation Inventory

The Florida Outdoor Recreation Inventory provides information and maps of park and recreation areas throughout Florida. Includes conservation lands, flood zones, geology/topographic maps, aerial photos for the entire state (Exhibits C, E, I and J).

Regional Planning Councils

Cultural Resources Information

The Florida Master Site File in the Bureau of Historic Preservation, Division of Historical Resources, Florida Department of State, is charged with maintaining Florida’s inventory of historical cultural resources. Site File staff will assist applicants in determining if prospective acquisition projects have recorded historical cultural resources. Staff will also assist with the recording of qualified resources (Criteria (2)(g)1 and (2)(g)2).

Contact the Division of Historical Resources for information on the National Register of Historic Places (Criteria (2)(g)2 and (2)(g)3).

If you are looking for the assistance of an archaeologist to develop a resource protection plan or to survey a site, DHR does not maintain a list of professional archaeologists who are qualified to work in the State of Florida and/or who meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for federally involved archeological projects as specified in 36 CFR 61. The American Cultural Resources Association maintains a listing of professional consultants. In addition, the Register of Professional Archaeologists maintains a membership directory that may be useful in locating professional archaeologists and other professional preservation consultants in your area. Many qualified historic preservation professionals are not members of these organizations, and omission from the directories does not imply that someone does not meet the Florida Department of State’s Standards or that the resultant work would not be acceptable. Conversely, inclusion on the list is no guarantee that an archaeologist's work will automatically be acceptable. As with any contractor references and recent work history should be requested.

Archaeological Resource Management (ARM) Training provides free training to state and local land managers charged with the protection and conservation of the state's irreplaceable archaeological resources, which include pre-European mound sites, villages, and camps, colonial settlements, battlefields, and submerged sites.

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 01:45pm