Readiness and Recreation Initiative Grant Program

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) State Assistance + Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Partnership Challenge Program, known as the Readiness and Recreation Initiative Grant Program, is a federal grant opportunity funded by the Department of the Interior, National Park Service, and the Department of Defense. Authorized by Congress, the program provides for the acquisition or acquisition and development of compatible recreation facilities on public lands within a REPI Partnership Agreement area.

Program InformationDescription
LWCF + REPI Overview

Eligible applicants include state agencies and local units of government (e.g., state political subdivisions such as cities, counties, and special purpose districts such as park districts) with a REPI Partnership Agreement area.

Match Ratio: 50:50

The minimum grant request may be no lower than $250,000. The maximum grant request may not exceed $5 million. Applicants must include letters of support documenting secured contributions of matching share from the military installation(s) involved, clearly stating the amount and type of contribution. 

An applicant's requested grant funds may be revised by the department due to the availability of program funds. Grant awards are contingent upon appropriation by the federal government.

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Manual

Florida REPI Fact Sheet

REPI Program Partners

Sentinel Landscapes Partnership

Application Cycle

The state will host an application cycle for the FY2024-2025 Readiness and Recreation Initiative from March 15, 2024 through April 15, 2024. 

Notice of Grant Submission Period and Application Webinar

Application, Instructions, Required Attachments, and Federal Attachments

FY2024-2025 LWCF + REPI State Application

FY2024-2025 LWCF + REPI State Application State Application Instructions & Federal Form Requirements

FY2024-2025 LWCF + REPI State Application & Federal Forms - Attachment "O" Overview

FY2024-2025 LWCF + REPI State Application State Application Instructions & Federal Form Requirements Checklist

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) P24AS00526

NPS Federal Agency Categorical Exclusion (CE List)

Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)

LWCF + REPI Application Tutorial

Staff from the Land and Recreation Grants Section hosted a webinar to provide information with completing a successful LWCF + REPI application, and provided to technical assistance to grantees on Monday, March 4, 2024, 2024 at 10 a.m. A copy of the webinar presentation may be viewed using the link below.

Download the Presentation


Last Modified: Monday, Mar 04, 2024 - 02:14pm