Everglades Reports and Brochures


Anual South Florida Ecosystem Report (SFER)

The 2016 SFER represents the 18th year of consolidated reporting by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and DEP. The report captures the science behind the Everglades restoration effort. The SFER focuses on major updates and accomplishments over the reporting year and provides thorough, up-to-date information on key activities and on the many advances made toward South Florida’s environmental restoration.


A Protocol for Collecting Surface Water Samples in Marshes of the Florida Everglades

The protocol is intended to ensure that uniform methods are used by technical staff involved in water quality sample collection to collect a proper, representative sample of Everglades marsh water. It is the department’s intent that all parties collecting Everglades surface water samples will adopt the use of and ensure that all technical staff adhere to the provisions of this protocol.


External Panel Report of the DEP — Overview and Evaluation of Everglades Nutrient Threshold Research for the Period of October 1996 to October 1997

Broad overview of the Everglades phosphorus threshold research programs and recommendations on ways to improve the programs. This report was based on: (1) reviews of published documents provided to the panel by the department, South Florida Water Management District, Duke University Wetland Center and Florida International University; (2) discussions at workshops and observations from two site visits to the three research areas in the Everglades; (3) published literature on wetlands; (4) visits to several Internet websites relevant to the Everglades; and (5) several rounds of interactive review of drafts of the report by the research groups and department staff. (152K)


Phase I Procedures for Evaluating the Potential for Effects to Everglades Biota from Discharges from Pilot Testing of Supplemental Technologies

Provides a minimum set of guidelines for examining potential adverse impacts of effluent water generated by pilot testing of supplemental technologies and identifies other treatment and management methods and regulatory programs that are superior to stormwater treatment areas in reducing phosphorus loads and concentrations from Everglades Agricultural Area runoff.


2015 CERP Report to Congress

This 2015 Report to Congress on the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan is the third in a series of periodic reports to fulfill the requirements of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 and the CERP Programmatic Regulations. This report provides members of Congress and other interested parties with an update on the progress of CERP over the past five-year period (mid-2010 to mid-2015) and the accomplishments expected over the next five years.


Canal Recharge Study

The Florida Legislature has directed the Department of Environmental Protection to conduct a study to investigate the feasibility of discharging reclaimed water into canals and the aquifer system as an environmentally acceptable way of increasing groundwater supplies and enhancing natural systems in the Lower East Coast Water Supply Planning Area. The Legislature recognized that this form of reuse might provide substantial benefit, but also that there are water quantity and water quality challenges that must be better understood and resolved. Documents regarding canal recharge and a report to the Legislature can be found here.


Last Modified: Saturday, Sep 23, 2023 - 07:42pm