The Beaches, Inlets and Ports Program planning staff is charged with updating and maintaining the Strategic Beach Management Plan (SBMP) and assisting the coastal engineering and geology staff with establishing or updating the Inlet Management Plans (IMP) to address critical erosion along Florida’s coastline. Planning staff also writes and updates the Annual Inlet Report. When drafting the plans, coordination among local governments, state agencies, federal government and the private sector is a critical component to developing a comprehensive approach for addressing the critical erosion along Florida’s beaches. Planning staff also coordinates with federal agencies on ongoing beach and inlet projects, rule and policy development, and regional sediment management and training opportunities. Review of federally funded or conducted activities are reviewed for consistency with the Florida Coastal Management Program. Staff also participates with the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) to improve habitats in the gulf, and share or learn about Florida’s coastal management activities.

Beach and inlet management activities and practices in Florida are governed by the Dennis L. Jones Beach and Shore Preservation Act, Chapter 161, Florida Statutes (F.S.). In 1986, pursuant to Sections 161.101 and 161.161, F.S., the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores (now the Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection) was charged with the responsibility of identifying those state beaches that are critically eroding and developing and maintaining a comprehensive long-term management plan for their restoration. The long-term management plan has several components to it that DEP implements, including the Strategic Beach Management Plan and inlet management plans. The other components to the long-term management plan include the critical erosion report, local government funding requests and the long-range budget plan. The funding requests and budget plan are handled through the Beach Management Funding Assistance Program.

Strategic Beach Management Plan - SBMP

For more information concerning the Strategic Beach Management Plan, please email Guy Weeks.

Annual Inlet Report

Inlet Management Plans

For more information on inlet reports or inlet studies conducted by coastal engineering consultants, local governments or universities, visit the Department’s OCULUS link. Use the “Public OCULUS Login” to enter the site. See the key words at the beginning of each document subject that includes “IMP” for the state inlet management plans, or “Report,” conducted by a consultant or university on an inlet, or “Study,” an inlet study conducted by a consultant for a local government that will likely include an inlet sediment budget.

For more information concerning the Inlet Management Plans, reports or studies, please email Ralph Clark or Guy Weeks.

Last Modified: Wednesday, Aug 07, 2024 - 11:36am