Submerged Lands and Environmental Resource Coordination is responsible for the consistent implementation of the Environmental Resource Program and the State 404 Program statewide. 

The Environmental Resource Permitting (ERP) Program regulates activities in, on or over surface waters or wetlands, as well as any activity involving the alteration of surface water flows. This includes new activities in uplands that generate stormwater runoff from upland construction, as well as dredging and filling in wetlands and other surface waters. Environmental Resource Permit applications are processed by either the department or one of the state's water management districts, in accordance with the division of responsibilities specified in operating agreements between the department and the water management districts. The ERP Program is in effect throughout the state. 

The State 404 Program assumes the federal dredge and fill permitting program under section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act within certain waters.

Local Program Delegation

To implement this statutory authority, the department adopted a rule, Chapter 62-344, Florida Administrative Code, to guide local governments in the application process and the criteria that will be used to approve or deny a delegation request.

ERP Application Notices

The notices provided on the subsequent pages consist of applications that DEP staff reasonably expect to result in a heightened public concern or administrative proceeding, based on the size; potential effect on the environment or the public; potential controversial nature; and the location of the activities. This is not a complete list of application submittals. 

404 Public Notices

Each DEP district office and program area that issues State 404 Program authorizations has their own page for posting public notices required by Rule 62-331.060, F.A.C. Please contact your local DEP office or program area for information related to specific state 404 program public notice. Public comments on State 404 applications may provided through the DEP Business Portal- Public Comments

401 Water Quality Certification

On September 27, 2023, the final 2023 Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Improvement Rule was published in the Federal Register. The final 2023 Rule will be effective on November 27, 2023.  Please see the 401 Water Quality Certification page for more information.

Find an ERP or State 404 Permit

A variety of options exist to search for information about permitted ERP or State 404 projects and to receive notifications for future applications. It is possible to search for permit applications under review; consumptive use or water use permits; map permit locations and publicly available documents for department-issued permits, verified exemptions or self-certifications. Offices of DEP districts, water management districts (WMD) or delegated local programs will also assist in locating information about ERP permits.

Permitting Activities in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE)