General Coastal Construction

A homeowner guide and brief discussions on general CCCL topics and coastal armoring.

Application Related

Instructions for preparing and submitting CCCL permit applications and electronic documents.

Coastal Vegetation / Dune Protection

Recommendations for planning, designing and conducting dune vegetation and dune protection projects.

Coastal Storm Elevations

Studies, reports and tables related to building construction seaward of the coastal construction control line.

Where is the CCCL Located?

Geographic information systems, aerial photographs and other mapping information.

Know Coastal Construction Regulations

  • Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, Part 1:  Regulation of Construction, Reconstruction and Other Physical Activity.
  • Section 161.053, Florida Statutes (F.S.), charges DEP with the responsibility of protecting the beach and dune system, establishing CCCL, and regulating construction, excavation, dune vegetation removal and other activities seaward of the CCCL. This chapter provides the primary state regulatory criteria for coastal construction upland of the mean high water line.
  • Section 161.085, F.S., provides state regulatory policies for coastal armoring, including temporary protective measures available on an emergency basis following storms, and the use of geotextile containers as the core of a reconstructed dune.
  • Section 161.052, F.S., covers coastal construction on sandy pocket beaches in Florida’s Big Bend and in the Florida Keys. On sandy beach areas where no CCCL has been established pursuant to section 161.053, F.S., coastal construction is prohibited within 50 feet of the line of mean high water except by waiver or variance of the setback requirements pursuant to section 161.052, F.S. This regulation applies to the 50-foot area of beach upland of the mean high water line on the small sand beaches fronting Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean shorelines. No coastal construction regulations are applied to marsh, mangrove or rocky shorelines under the CCCL program.

Coastal Construction Rules

  • Chapter 62B-33, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), the primary CCCL Rule, provides general design and siting requirements that must be met to obtain a coastal construction control line permit. Approval or denial of a permit application is based upon a review of the potential impacts to the beach dune system, adjacent properties, native salt-resistant vegetation and marine turtles.
  • Chapter 62B-34, F.A.C., the General Permit Rule, sets policies and procedures for several General Permit types. Under this rule, single-family dwellings and other structures and activities located well landward of the beach dune system are approved through a streamlined, 30-day permit process. General Permit Lines established along many beaches provide a simple method for determining if a project is eligible for a General Permit.
  • Chapter 62B-55,  F.A.C., is referred to as Florida’s “Model Lighting Ordinance” for counties and cities to follow for protecting nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings from light pollution. This rule also describes marine turtle nesting beaches.
  • Chapter 62B-56,  F.A.C., referred to as the “Geotube Rule,” sets policies and procedures for the protection of beachfront properties with sand-filled geotextile containers buried under a reconstructed dune.

Florida Building Code

  • Section 3109 of the Florida Building Code (FBC) contains structural design requirements for buildings and pools seaward of the CCCL. These policies are enforced by local government building officials. DEP supports this section of the FBC by determining and publishing the appropriate storm elevations for construction seaward of the CCCL.

Coastal Construction Control Line Questions - Permit Manager

CCCL permit managers are in charge of reviewing permit applications, issuing permits, ensuring compliance and consulting with permit applicants for specific counties. Even though permit managers are located in the Tallahassee office, they can share their extensive experience with permitting construction and other activities on their counties' beaches.

Call our program staff at 850-245-2094 and the phone receptionist will connect you to appropriate CCCL staff available to answer your questions. You can also email us with any questions at

Ask your local Coastal Construction Control Line Field Inspector

CCCL field inspectors are considered the CCCL Program's "eyes" because of their responsibilities with meeting people on site, inspecting permit projects, and observing construction and other activities on Florida's beaches. The field inspectors work out of the DEP district offices around the state, which reduces their response time for site visits. In addition to following compliance of permitted CCCL projects, field inspectors answer questions about and issue permits for minor activities such as dune planting and dune walkovers.

Records Requests

OCULUS, DEP’s Electronic Document Management System, is available to the public to search for and retrieve any non-confidential document or plan related to an application or permit file. Search OCULUS to find CCCL permit applications, project plans and other permitting documents. 

If you need CCCL documents not found in Oculus, please email or call 850-245-2094.

Last Modified: Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 - 10:58am