CCCL Permit Application Related

Individual and Areawide Permits

Form Description
73-100 Coastal Construction Control Line Application for an Individual Permit or an Areawide Permit Application for Individual administrative permits and Areawide permits for construction and other activities seaward of the CCCL. (Processed pursuant to Chapter 62B-33, F.A.C.)
Permit Fee Worksheet for Coastal Construction Control Line  Application for an Individual Permit or an Areawide Permit (73-100 Application) To determine the total permit fee required for a CCCL application. Please print this completed form and send in with payment. (Notenot for use with General Permits. To determine General Permit application fees, see General Permit Rule section 62B-34.040, F.A.C., for fee schedule). 
73-123 Waiver of 90-Day Time Limit Used by an applicant to grant the Department a time waiver from taking agency action on an Individual administrative permit application within the allotted 90-day timeframe to act on a completed application, pursuant to Florida law.
73-303 Emergency Coastal Construction Control Line Permit Application  Application for an emergency permit for construction seaward of the CCCL due to a shoreline emergency. (Processed pursuant to section 62B-33.014, F.A.C.)

General Permits

Form  Description
73-101 Coastal Construction Control Line Application for a General Permit Application for a General Permit for construction seaward of the CCCL for certain structures and activities which does not include swimming pools (with exceptions: see Chapter 62B-34, F.A.C., or contact the CCCL permit manager). (Processed pursuant to Chapter 62B-34, F.A.C.)

CCCL Post Permit Issuance/Beach Field Services Compliance

Form  Description
73-103 Property Owner's Permit Transfer Agreement Used to transfer a permit to a new owner when the property is sold.
73-111 Periodic Progress Report To be submitted while a CCCL project is under construction. (Note: not required for permits issued on or after 11/28/18)
73-113 Request for Permit Time Extension Used to apply for a permit time extension to extend a permit expiration date for projects still under construction.
73-114B Foundation Location Certification Must be submitted to the Department when the foundation only is completed to receive approval to continue the work.
73-115B Final Certification Must be submitted to the Department after the project has been completed so that the permit file may be closed.

CCCL Dune Core Permitting Forms

Processed pursuant to Chapter 62B-56, F.A.C.

Form Description
62B-56.900(1) Permit Application for Construction and Maintenance of a Reconstructed Dune Application for an administrative permit for construction and maintenance of a reconstructed dune using sand-filled geotextile dune cores. (Processed pursuant to Chapter 62B-56, F.A.C.)
62B-56.900(2) Financial Assurance Worksheet To cover the cost of dune core removal and restoration of the project site and a one-time deferred removal cost.
62B-56.900(3) Sand Sediment Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan To ensure that all sand delivered and placed seaward of the CCCL meets certain requirements.
62B-56.900(4) Biological Assessment An assessment of habitat quality of natural plant communities and federal and state endangered and threatened species whose nesting range includes the subject property.

Dune Core Construction/Maintenance Documents

Form Description
62B-56.900(5) Permit Transfer Agreement Used to transfer a permit to a new owner when the property is sold.
62B-56.900(6) Final Construction Certification of Reconstructed Dune Must be submitted to DEP after the project has been completed so that the construction phase of the permit file may be closed.
62B-56.900(7) Conversion of Permit from Construction Phase to Maintenance Phase Must be submitted to DEP upon completion of the project construction to authorize continued maintenance operations.
62B-56.900(8) Maintenance Inspection Report To be completed and submitted to DEP at least once every year after conversion of a permit to the maintenance phase.
62B-56.900(9) Periodic Progress Report To be completed and submitted to DEP following each period in which construction has occurred.

Dune Core Financial Assurance Documents

Form Description
62B-56.900(10) Trust Fund Agreement To insure the responsible entity for a reconstructed dune system shall provide assurance that funds will be available when needed for removal and restoration of the project.
62B-56.900(11) Payment Bond To insure the responsible entity shall establish a standby trust fund as is required when a surety bond is used to provide financial assurance.
62B-56.900(12) Performance Bond To insure the surety is liable on the bond obligation only when the responsible entity has failed to perform removal and restoration in accordance with the plan and other permit requirements.
62B-56.900(13) Letter of Credit From the responsible entity’s financial institution to DEP.
62B-56.900(14) Standby Trust Agreement  

Florida Building Code Related

Form Description
73-501 Coastal Construction Control Line Elevation Certificate Required by section 3109 of the Florida Building Code for habitable structures built seaward of a CCCL to ensure the lowest horizontal structural member of such structures is located above the local 100-year storm elevation. (Note: this certificate is not required to be submitted to the CCCL Program)
Last Modified: Thursday, Mar 14, 2024 - 11:46am