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Joanna Figureido, David Gilliam, Leneita Fix, Charles Gregory, Daniel Holstein, and Benjamin Limer

This project aims to assist propagation of coral species affected by SCTLD in the Coral ECA, by increasing reef-building coral biomass available for restoration and producing corals with high genetic diversity that are better adapted to local and global stressors. This year, over 4,400 corals were produced that have been or will soon be transferred to the offshore nursery or outplanted on the reefs of the Coral ECA. The increased production of sexually-produced corals for outplanting has been the result of research conducted in this and previous years. The larvae of seven species were also used in experiments to assess their survival over time and competency dynamics. This data was incorporated into bio-physical dispersal models to make recommendations on the best reefs to restore along Florida’s Coral Reef (FCR) and within its several regions, including the Coral ECA. 

Last Modified: Thursday, Oct 03, 2024 - 09:36am