Document Type
South District Bimonthly Linkups
Hurricane Recovery and Preparedness - June 7, 2023


  • Opening Remarks/Video
    Dr. Wes Brooks, Chief Resilience Officer/ Statewide Office of Resilience
  • Hurricane Presentation
    Matt Devitt, Wink News Chief Meteorologist
  • Regulatory Overview
    Jennifer Carpenter, South District Director
  • Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery for Potable Water Systems
    Louise Chang, South District Drinking Water Program
  • Hurricane Recovery and Preparedness for Wastewater Systems​
    Landon Reigelman, South District Wastewater Program
  • Hazardous Waste
    Pamela coffin, Division of Waste Management / Compliance Assistance Program,​ South District
  • Debris Management
    Renee Kwiat, South District Air and Waste Program
  • Permitting
    Ryan Snyder, South District Permitting Program
Last Modified: Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024 - 07:01pm