The Office of Citizen Services is responsible for:


Public Records Outreach/Speaker Requests Media Inquiries/Legislative Affairs

813-470-5700 813-470-5746 813-404-1634


Citizen Concerns or Complaints

If you would like to submit an environmental concern to the Southwest District, please fill out this form or call 813-470-5700.


Public Records

Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state officials regarding state business are public records that are available to the public upon request. Citizens can search the DEP's public records database, Oculus, to find information regarding specific facilities. For information on how to use Oculus, read this document. Email your public records requests to the Southwest District Public Records team at for a timely turnaround to your request. Members of the media should reach out to the Public Information Manager for their requests.


Media Relations

When reporters have questions, the Southwest District's Office of Media Relations is available to answer them. As a liaison between reporters and Southwest District staff, we are here to let the media know about environmental news in the district and schedule interviews between the media and district staff if necessary.


Legislative Affairs

When legislators have questions, the Southwest District's Office of Legislative Affairs is available to answer them. As a liaison between legislators and Southwest District staff, we can assist with information needed or issues of concern.



DEP's Southwest District can provide your school, community or organization with speakers and presentations on a variety of environmental conservation and protection topics. If DEP cannot provide a speaker for you, we will help you locate another resource.