When demonstrating proof of financial assurance, owners or operators can choose from a list of approved financial mechanisms that best meet their individual needs. The dollar amount of financial assurance required is tied to the current department approved closure cost estimate.

To support compliance with solid waste financial assurance requirements, we provide assistance to facility owners and operators, their consultants and provider companies.

Upcoming Financial Assurance Due Dates

May 1 - Increase in Financial Assurance documentation due for Alternate Financial Assurance Users (Bonds, Letters of Credit, Insurance etc) 1.07 Inflation Factor

Introduction to Financial Assurance

Financial Assurance Links

Current Year Inflation Factors

Inflation Factor Estimate Due Time Frames Types of FA
1.07 Estimates due between Jan. 1 and March 1, 2024 Alternate FA
1.036 Estimates due between July 1 and Sept. 1, 2024 Escrow Users

For earlier years' inflation factors, see Cost Estimates.

Contact Information

Shared mailbox: Financial.Assurance.Working.Group@FloridaDEP.gov (also know as Solid.Waste.Financial.Coordinator@FloridaDEP.gov).

If your representative cannot be reached, feel free to contact any of the other team members.

Address for document submittal:

Financial Assurance Working Group
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
2600 Blair Stone Road MS 4548
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400


Last Modified: Friday, Apr 05, 2024 - 11:32am