Storage Tank Financial Assurance Forms (Mechanisms)

Required by All

Certification of Financial Responsibility - Form 62-761.900(3) Part P - C.F.R.

  • This form part must be updated whenever a financial mechanism(s) used to demonstrate financial responsibility change(s).

Available to All Owners and Operators


Financial Test and Corporate Guarantee

Performance Bond

Letter of Credit

Trust Fund and Standby Trust Fund

Available Only to Government Entities

Any Government

State Government

Local Government

Provider Companies

  • List of Insurance Providers for UST Financial Responsibility Requirements
    EPA compiled this list of insurance providers based on information they received from them. UST owners and operators may find that these providers can help you obtain UST insurance that fulfills your financial responsibility obligation.  There is other useful information on this page about FA and insurance. Although this  is compiled for UST facility needs, it is useful for AST facilities as well.

  • Provider Companies
    This list of provider companies consists of companies providing financial assurance for solid waste facilities, and includes several companies offering standby trust fund agreements. It may be useful to storage tank owners or operators.

Other Tank Forms (Rules and Referenced Guidelines)

Contact Information 850-245-8793 (South and Southwest Districts) (Disponible para ayuda en español) 850-245-8740 (Northwest and Northeast Districts) 850-245-8888 (Central and Southeast Districts)
Shared mailbox:

If your district's contact person cannot be reached, feel free to contact any team member.

* - The terms "financial responsibility" and "financial assurance" are often used interchangeably.

** - Requires the establishment of a Standby Trust Fund Agreement in the name of each owner or operator covered by guarantee.

Financial Responsibility Links

Other links

Last Modified: Friday, Oct 20, 2023 - 10:46am