Example of Tank Schedule Attachment

When the number of facilities exceeds the space available on any of the Form 62-761.900(3) parts, or if the provider company prefers to attach a facility list or when this list is amended, we recommend the attachment include the following elements:

  • The word “Attachment” (such as “Attachment: Facility/Tank Schedule dated XX/XX/XXXX”)
  • The date
  • Type of financial assurance instrument it accompanies
  • Rule required elements
    • Facility identification number (FacID) for facilities in Florida
    • Facility Name (should match the name registered when obtaining the placard)
    • Site Address (matching the registration)
    • Identify the number of regulated tanks (or list tank ID numbers)
  • Additional information such as tank size and location (UST/AST) is acceptable

A fillable PDF Attachment/Amendment example is available near the top of this page.  An MS Word version of the example is available below.

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Form Number: 
62-761.900(3) example facility-tank schedule
Effective-Revision Date: 
Friday, August 27, 2021
Last Modified: Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024 - 06:58pm