The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Drinking Water Hotline attempts to answer questions from any person on drinking water issues. Call 800-426-4791 or go to the website

Information on the Operator Certification Program may be obtained from DEP’s Operator Certification Program.

Information on the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program may be obtained from DEP’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program.

The Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA) assists small public water systems. Visit the FRWA website, call 850-668-2746 or email the FRWA. The assistance may involve technical, financial and/or managerial aspects of system operations. Examples of technical assistance that have been and may be provided include, but are not limited to:

  • rate studies
  • sampling/monitoring training
  • operations and maintenance troubleshooting
  • development of groundwater protection plans
  • leak detection
  • line location
  • business operations evaluation
  • valve location
  • treatment troubleshooting
  • board member training
Last Modified: Thursday, Feb 29, 2024 - 02:27pm