Capacity development (CD) is an initiative by the state to ensure that drinking water systems acquire and maintain adequate technical, managerial and financial capabilities to enable them to consistently provide safe drinking water. Capacity has three components: technical, managerial and financial.

The requirements of the new systems CD program may apply to your system, if the following applies.

System or proposed system is a CWS (community water system) or NTNCWS (non-transient, non-community water system) which:

  • is constructed on or after Oct. 1, 1999, or
  • commences operations on or after Oct. 1, 1999, or
  • was a non-PWS (public water system) which added infrastructure to become a NTNCWS or CWS on or after Oct. 1, 1999, or
  • was a TNC (transient noncommunity public water system) which added infrastructure to become a NTNCWS or CWS on or after Aug. 28, 2003.

Non-PWSs or TNCs which add additional users and thereby become NTNCWSs or CWSs without infrastructure (treatment or connections) addition are not subject to the new systems capacity development requirements.

Systems subject to the new systems CD requirements will be required to demonstrate acceptable financial and managerial capacity using DEP Form 62-555.900(20). The department’s determination of acceptable financial and managerial capacity will be one of the requirements that systems must meet to be eligible for a construction permit. A construction permit will not be granted until the department has determined the demonstration of capacity to be acceptable.

If a construction permit has already been granted, the department’s determination of acceptable financial and managerial capacity will be one of the requirements that systems must meet to be eligible for clearance for use. The department has already notified uncleared systems which received construction permits before the rules were effective.

For more information: DEP Form 62-555.900(20) is available on the forms page. The new systems CD requirements are in Chapters 62-550 and 62-555, F.A.C., and they are available on the Rules page of this site. The New Water System Capacity Development Manual, an optional reference document, is available upon request from the person listed below. 

If you have questions about the new systems CD requirements or would like to know if they apply to your system, please contact: 

Marian Fugitt (850-245-8628) Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Drinking Water Program 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3520 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
Last Modified: Monday, Jan 22, 2024 - 02:46pm