Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activity

Stormwater runoff can pollute waterbodies by coming in contact with exposed materials and industrial activities.

Florida's NPDES stormwater program regulates all industrial activities that:

The 11 categories are defined using both narrative descriptions of the activities and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes. (Note: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) will eventually replace the SIC system. The U.S. Bureau of the Census has a conversion table to bridge the two systems.)

Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP) Requirements

A generic permit is a general permit issued by DEP under the authority of section 403.0885, Florida Statutes, which is the provision authorizing the state to implement the NPDES program. In October 2000, Florida adopted under Rule 62-621.300(5)(a), F.A.C., the federal stormwater multi-sector general permit for industrial activities (comprising the original Sept. 29, 1995, issuance and subsequent corrections/modifications) and operates the permit as the state of Florida Multi-Sector Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity (MSGP).

  • The 11 categories of regulated industrial activities are further divided into 29 sectors with common activities, pollutant sources and associated pollutants.
  • To obtain permit coverage an MSGP Notice of Intent (NOI) (DEP Form 62-621.300(5)(b)) must be submitted by paper copy to the NPDES Stormwater Notices Center or by using Interactive Notice of Intent (iNOI)
  • A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be developed, implemented and kept onsite. SWPPP guidance is available.
  • Analytical and Compliance monitoring data may be required by the permit. The results are submitted via the department’s online EzDMR System.
    • Compliance monitoring is required for five specific industrial activities whose stormwater discharges are subject to numeric stormwater effluent limitations.
    • Analytical monitoring is required only for the industry sectors or sub-sectors that were determined to have a high potential to discharge a pollutant(s) at concentrations of concern. The permit specifies benchmark values for industry-specific pollutants. Benchmark values are established to gauge the effectiveness of the SWPPP and determine whether there is a need to continue monitoring.
    • Visual monitoring is required of all facilities covered under the MSGP (except for Sector S - Air Transportation Facilities). Visual examinations must be performed at least once per quarter for the life of the permit and results shall be recorded in the SWPPP.
  • A Notice of Termination (NOT) (DEP Form 62-621.300(6)) must be submitted through iNOI or by paper copy to the NPDES Stormwater Notices Center to discontinue permit coverage. Permit coverage may be terminated when the eligibility requirements for termination specified in the MSGP are met.

Obtaining Permit Coverage

  1. Obtain and review the Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP) and associated sector-specific permit language.
  2. Develop and implement a SWPPP.
  3. Complete and submit a MSGP NOI with application fee of $500 to the NPDES Stormwater Notices Center. Acknowledgement letters will be issued by email upon receiving and processing the completed NOI and fee required by Rule 62-4.050(4)(d), F.A.C. Please make checks payable to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or DEP.
  4. Renew permit coverage every five years at least two days before expiration of the current coverage or until the facility becomes ineligible for coverage.

The Conditional No Exposure Exclusion (NEX)

Facilities with industrial activities activities may qualify for an exemption from certain NPDES stormwater permitting requirements if all industrial materials or processes are protected by a storm-resistant structure.

Individual Permit

Stormwater discharges from industrial activities that are not eligible for a generic permit must be covered under an individual permit with requirements specific to the facility (as specified under Rule 62-620, F.A.C.). Applications for individual NPDES stormwater permits for industrial activities, excluding steam electric power plants, should be sent to the Industrial Wastewater Section of the appropriate DEP regulatory district office.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Provides answers to the industrial questions most commonly posed regarding the NPDES Stormwater Program's MSGP.


NPDES Stormwater Program
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3585
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
866-336-6312 (toll-free)
Last Modified: Wednesday, Jun 05, 2024 - 11:37am