DEP 24-Hour Emergency Response: 800-320-0519

Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Emergency Response (OER)

Emergency Response Contractors

Emergency Response Contractors are listed by which county they maintain an office location. Most Emergency Response Contractors can provide services to other counties and some provide services statewide. OER does not endorse any contractor, and a firm’s absence or presence does not imply prejudice or impropriety.

Call the DEP Office of Emergency Response at 850-245-2010 with any questions.

How do I get on the contractor list? 

Contact OER at 850-245-2010. Your business must be registered to do business with the state of Florida through MyFloridaMarketPlace. Be prepared to submit proof of experience in the cleanup area you are requesting, as well as proof of training and liability insurance. 

Last Modified: Monday, Sep 11, 2023 - 08:35pm