Florida Oil Spill Planning and Response Tool Kit

January 2017

A decision-support resource for the spill response community in USCG District 7

Area Contingency Plans

(Contains ACP information common to all Sectors and Marine Safety Units in USCG District 7)

ACPs (Contain ACP information specific to each Sector and MSU in USCG District 7) and Other Related Information

Sector St. Petersburg (West Peninsula Florida Coastal Zone - 2008)

Area Contingency Plan
Geographic Response Plans (site-specific tactical plans)

Additional Documents:

List of Discharge Cleanup Organizations certified by Florida DEP
Florida Wildlife Contingency Plan
24-Hour Emergency Response Contact
Special Conditions for Access to Public and Private Lands by Florida FWC
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response Treatment, Reuse and Disposal Options - Region Southwest
Tidal Inlet Protection Strategies for Oil-Spill Response - Sector St. Petersberg
Tidal Inlet Protection Strategies - Inlet Classification - USCG Sector 7 - St. Petersburg
Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil Atlas - Volume I 
Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil Atlas - Volume II

Sector Key West (Florida Keys Coastal Zone - 2012)

Area Contingency Plan
Geographic Response Plan Maps

Additional Information and Plans:

NOAA - Gulf Spill Restoration Plan
Volunteer ICS-204
Inlet Classification Sector - Key West L
List of Discharge Cleanup Organizations Certified by Florida DEP

Sector Jacksonville Northeastern and Eastern Central Florida (2007)

Area Contingency Plan
Sector Jacksonville Geographic Response Area Map (GRP)
Sector Jacksonville Tidal Inlet Protection Strategies

Environmental Sensitivity Index Atlas Maps for Sector Jacksonville:

East Florida & St Johns River
Florida Electronic Hazardous Waste Regulations

Sector Miami - Southeast Florida (2012)

Area Contingency Plan

Geographic Response Plans (site-specific tactical plans)

Miami GRP
Tidal Inlet Protection Strategies for COTP Zone

Additional Information and Plans:

ESI Sector Atlas Maps: East Florida Maps & South Florida Maps
Florida DEP 24-hour Emergency Response Contractors
Hazardous Materials Response Handbook & USCG CHRIS Manual
Dispersant Use Plan & OSRO Guidelines

2008 Emergency Response Guide Book - English Version

2008 Emergency Response Guide Book - Spanish Version

Sector Mobile, AL (Alabama, Mississippi and NW Florida Area Committee - 2012)

Area Contingency Plan
Environmental Sensitivity Index Atlas Maps for Sector Mobile: West Florida

Maps and Charts

DEP Oil Spill Planning & Response Maps for Florida

Regional ESI Atlas Mapping

Florida Geographic Response Plan Index Maps: (site-specific tactical plans)

Sector St. Petersburg
Sector Key West
Sector Miami
Sector Jacksonville
Sector Mobile (Northern Florida ACP)

Florida Environmental Sensitivity Atlases

Meta Data:
West Florida
East Florida
South Florida

West Peninsular Vol. 1 & Vol. 2
St. Johns River

FL Coastal Access Guide: FL Panhandle - Southwest Florida Gulf - FL Atlantic Coast & FL Resources

RRT IV Environmental Protection Agency-Dispersant Information and Q&A

Florida DEP GIS Specified Mapping System

Regional Response Team IV

Dispersant Pre-Approval Usage Plan

RRT IV Insitu-Burn Plan

Guidelines for Inshore/Nearshore ISB

SMART Protocol

Bioremediation Spill Response Fact Sheet

Bioremediation Plan

Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs)

MOU between U.S. Bureau of Safety & USCG & U.S Department of Interior
MOU between USCG and EPA Regarding Response Boundaries
Endangered Species Act MOA among USCG, USEPA, DOI, USFWS and NOAA (NMFS & NOS)
EPA, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the General Services Administration on Federal Response
MOA Between U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Coast Guard Districts 5, 7 and 8
MOA Between the U.S. Coast Guard and the State of Florida  


Oil Spill Applied Technologies

Environmental Protection Agency-Dispersant Information and Q&A

RRT Operating Procedures Manual

Incident Command System

Incident Management Handbook (English)

Fillable ICS Forms

SCAT Forms:

Shoreline Summary Form 

Quick Assesment Form

Wetland Assessment

Tarball Assessment

Shoreline Assessment Manual

Shoreline Assessment Job Aid

River Bank Shoreline Oil Summary

Stream Bank Shoreline Oil Summary

Training Recommendations for HazMat Response

Additional Documents

NOAA Products
Job Aids

Open Water Oil Identification
Shoreline Assessment Job Aid
Dispersant Application Observer
Characteristics of Response Strategies

In-Situ Burn

Use of In-Situ Burning
Guidance on Burning Spilled Oil In-Situ
Open-Water Response Strategies: ISB
Sample Verification Checklist


Health & Safety Aspects of ISB of Oil

Sample Site Safety Plan for Marine ISB Ops.

Residues from ISB of Oil on Water
ISB Comparisons (risk communications)

Manuals & Guidelines

Shoreline Countermeasures Manual (Temperate)

Shoreline Countermeasures Manual (Tropical)
Shoreline Assessment Manual
Mechanical Protection Guidelines
Aerial Observations of Oil at Sea

Reports on Response Issues

Responding to Oil Spills in Coastal Marshes

Oil Spills in Coral Reefs

Oil Spills in Mangroves
Oil and Sea Turtles: Biology Planning and Response

Florida Statutes: 403- .0.31, .061, .087, .0877, .121, .131, .141, .161, .182, .201, .716, .8052, .8055, .814 & 112- .3143, .3184 & 120.569 & 316.2935 & 320.03 & 376.60

Fact Sheets:

Number 6 Fuel Oil (Bunker C) Spills 
Small Diesel Spills (500 – 5,000 gallons)

National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP): Guidelines

Other State & Federal Documents

National Contingency Plan- Subchapter J-Emergency Planning
Florida’s Wildlife Contingency Plan for Oil Spill Response and Sensitive Area Update Fillable Form
ExxonMobil: Oil Spill Response Field Manual
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
USFWS Best Practice for Migratory Bird Care During Oil Spill Response
USCG Incident Specific Preparedness Review: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

FL House of Representatives-Response to Current Disaster
and Preparation for Future Disasters

Operational Workgroups

Workgroup #1-Response to Current Disaster: Final Report
Workgroup #2- Assessment of Programs & Resources for Impacted Areas: Final Report
Workgroup #3- Scope Review of Private Sector Damages: Final Report
Workgroup #4-Strategies for Public Sector Recovery of Damages: Final Report
Workgroup #5-Regional Long-term Economic Recovery Opportunities: Final Report
Workgroup #6- Criminal/ Civil Penalties for Offenses Causing Environmental Disasters: Final Report

Florida Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

Florida State Emergency Response Team: Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Capabilities Assessment Checklist
Local Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Compliance Crosswalk
Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

Software Applications

Download the latest version of the free Adobe Reader® here

Suggested Software Applications to Download: http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/
Dispersant Mission Planner 2
NUCOS Unit Convertor
ICS Forms Database

TerraGo Toolbar® - to download the latest free edition and for questions regarding this application, please visit http://www.terragotech.com


Last Modified: Monday, Sep 11, 2023 - 07:34pm