Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park - Seagull flying

Office of Air Monitoring

The Office of Air Monitoring oversees air monitoring operations across the state of Florida and assesses the air quality for over 90 percent of Florida’s 21 million citizens.
 Wispy Clouds at St. George Island State Park

Office of Business Planning

The Office of Business Planning oversees all business management functions necessary to operate the division plus various activities required by the Federal Clean Air Act.
T.H. Stone Memorial St. Joseph Peninsula State Park - Looking out over the marsh

Office of the Director - Air Resource Management

The director's office oversees all division functions, including air quality monitoring, permitting and ensuring compliance of emission sources.
Oleta River State Park - A new growth of mangroves

Permit Review & Compliance Assurance

The Permit Review Section and the Compliance Assurance Section coordinates statewide regulatory activities among the State's district air programs, local air programs and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.