The Permit Review Section and the Compliance Assurance Section are responsible for coordinating statewide regulatory activities among the State's district air programs, local air programs and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The Permit Review Section is specifically responsible for the following activities:
  • Permitting to operate major sources of air pollution in accordance with Title V of the Clean Air Act.
  • Permitting all fertilizer plants, pulp and paper mills, cement plants and sugar mills.
  • Review and processing of Title V air permit applications for those sources subject to the acid rain regulations and/or certified under the Power Plant Siting Act.
  • Review and process applications for air construction permits subject to the preconstruction review requirements for innovative projects, the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) of air quality, air construction permits for all power plants and currently all landfills.
  • Permitting of minor sources of air pollution.
  • The collection of fees to operate major sources of air pollution in accordance with Title V of the Clean Air Act.
  • Managing the State's air pollution database, the Air Resource Management System (ARMS).
  The Compliance Assurance Section is specifically responsible for the following activities:
Oversees compliance and enforcement activities throughout the State.
  • Conducts industry outreach to ensure compliance with air program regulations and permits.
  • Administers the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program.
  • Administers the Asbestos Program.
  • Manages databases and electronic tools.
  • Manages emissions inventories.
  • Collects and reconciles Title V air emissions fees for major sources.
  • Assists and trains districts and local air programs.


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