Xavier Cortada, International Eco-Artist: What incredible beauty!  It’s hard to believe this natural wonder sits adjacent to our city, but that just gives us a responsibility, the gift of stewardship, and the gift of caring for this natural world.

Enrique Gaston, Marine Animal Rescue Society, Fisherman & Boater: 40 years ago, there was a need to create the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve. The act enabled Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection to oversee the Biscayne Bay area. It gave them enforcement and protection powers over what is now called the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves.

Ty Forkner, Luxury Real Estate Agent: With my experience in real estate, the health of the bay drastically affects the value of real estate.  People move here because they want to be on the water. They want it to be beautiful, the nice blue color it is. The healthier the bay the better the water condition is, and that directly affects how much people want to live on the water.

Denise Wilson, Miami Country Day School Teacher: There’s a great line that I saw and it says, “In the end, we will only preserve what we love. We will only love what we understand. And we only understand what we are taught”.  It’s really important for young children to connect with Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves because it is right in our own backyard. Once you can make that connection, that’s the starting point.

Kat Street, Vinyasa Yoga Instructor:  My personal practice is actually stronger when I’m outside in the elements. When I feel the ground beneath me. When I can hear the wind and the waves and be connected to that thing that’s unifying us all.  There’s an incredible magnetism that you have when you’re actually feeling the grass between your toes or even the water.

Angie Gonzalez, Permaculture Instructor: It doesn’t take much. We can do things on very small spaces to plant gardens. That helps us restore, cleanse, and purify the water before it goes back out into the larger bodies of water.

It’s something that you look forward to doing, because it’s fun. You do it with your friends. It’s a moment to get together.

Enrique Gaston: Biscayne Bay is important for fisheries. It’s important for sea level - the natural break from hurricanes, storms and storm surge. And obviously, it provides a great recreational atmosphere and scene for our future kids.

Kat Street: As a soon to be mother, when she’s born I want her to be able to experience it. I want her to be able to float in (the Aquatic Preserves) and not have to worry about some weird object floating next to her.  You want that security because it’s our natural resource - a connectiveness that you can’t get anywhere else.

Eva Ruiz, Multidisciplinary Artist: I really like coming out here because I feel energized and it’s also a very spiritual experience for me.

Angie Gonzalez: Saving the environment can be very pleasurable, and it’s my favorite thing to do.

Xavier Cortada: For 40 years, Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves has been creating procedures to manage this natural wonder, so that we can enjoy ourselves in it. But more importantly, so that future generations can enjoy the natural wonder that thrives here.

This year, during its 40th anniversary, engage in an action (an eco-action) that helps preserve our bay.  Things that you can do on the boat... when you’re in the water... when you’re on the land. And leadership that you can demonstrate so that others follow your path to falling in love with this natural wonder and caring for it for years to come.

Let’s make this 40th birthday one to celebrate!

Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb 14, 2024 - 10:38am