
In 2020, the Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 712, also known as the Clean Waterways Act (CWA), now Chapter 2020-150, Laws of Florida. This legislation passed with unanimous, bipartisan support and carries a wide range of water-quality protection provisions aimed at minimizing the impact of known sources of nutrient pollution and strengthening regulatory requirements. The CWA directed DEP to create an OSTDS Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) that was charged with developing and providing recommendations the governor and legislature by Jan. 1, 2022, related to requirements for the physical location of OSTDS and the marketplace availability and use of associated Enhanced Nutrient Reducing (ENR) technology. 

Public input is an important part of all Florida rule development activities. The formation of a TAC also provided DEP with a valuable way to seek and receive input and recommendations from external stakeholders during the rule development process. For more information about the TAC, please email

TAC Recommendations

The TAC’s final recommendations were submitted by DEP to Governor Ron DeSantis and legislative leadership on Dec. 30, 2021.

Previous OSTDS TAC Meetings

As a state agency sponsored committee, the OSTDS TAC was required to follow all requirements of Florida's "Government in the Sunshine" law, also known as the "Open Meetings" law. All meetings below were publicly noticed and open to the public. There are no upcoming TAC meetings scheduled at this time.

Meeting/Notice Agenda Webinar Recording Materials
TAC Meeting 6 - Nov. 29, 2021 Nov. 29, 2021 Meeting 6 Agenda -
TAC Meeting 5 - Nov. 17, 2021

Nov. 17, 2021 Meeting 5 Agenda

TAC Meeting 4 - Nov.10, 2021  Nov.10, 2021 Meeting 4 Agenda Meeting 4

TAC Meeting 3 - Oct. 25, 2021

Oct. 25, 2021 Meeting 3 Agenda

Meeting 3
TAC Meeting 2 - Oct. 13, 2021 Oct.13, 2021 Meeting 2 Agenda Meeting 2
TAC Meeting 1 - Aug. 25, 2021 Aug. 25, 2021 Meeting 1 Agenda -

TAC Charge Questions 

The initial charge questions for the TAC were: 

  • How can market availability be increased for ENR OSTDS that are cost-effective, low maintenance and reliable?
  • What regulatory options, such as fast-track approval, prequalification or expedited permitting, would facilitate the introduction and use of ENR OSTDS that have been reviewed and approved by a national agency or organization, such as the American National Standards Institute 245 systems approved by the NSF International?
  • What is the appropriate setback distance for OSTDS from surface water, groundwater and wells?

TAC Membership 

As directed by the CWA, DEP identified key stakeholder groups and professionals willing to commit their time serving on the TAC. These representatives provided the benefit of their technical expertise and coordinated input and perspective representing their stakeholder categories. The TAC members and their respective stakeholder categories are listed below:

A professional engineer

  • John Shearer - Shearer Consulting, Inc.

A septic tank contractor

  • Greg Mayfield - Tampa Septic, Inc.-Southern Water and Soil

Two representatives from the home building industry

  • Robert Himschoot - Crews Environmental
  • Jerry Prescott - Liberty Plumbing and Septic

A representative from the real estate industry

  • JP Fraites - Florida Realtors

A representative from the OSTDS industry

  • Roxanne Groover - Florida Onsite Wastewater Association, Inc.

A representative from local government

  • Virginia Barker - Brevard County Natural Resources Management Department 

Two representatives from the environmental community

  • Chris Farrell - Audubon Florida
  • Cyndi Fernandez - Conservation Florida

A representative of the scientific and technical community who has substantial expertise in the areas of the fate and transport of water pollutants, toxicology, epidemiology, geology, biology or environmental sciences

  • Dr. John Schert - University of Florida

Public Comments

Last Modified: Thursday, Jun 29, 2023 - 10:21am