To help fulfill the credentialing and continuing education training needs of onsite wastewater contractors and county health department field staff, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection staff provide and support training at various locations across the state.

Much of this training takes place at the Florida Onsite Wastewater Association's Training Center in Polk City, Florida. Local contractors and wastewater professionals played a key role in starting the training center by donating time and resources to the construction of the site, and the center continues to be funded in part through a portion of the repair permit fees.

The center promotes a hands-on approach to education and showcases both conventional systems and a variety of wastewater treatment alternatives. The center provides a number of hands-on workstations featuring low-pressure distribution, pumps and pump controls, mound systems and tank components.

There is an area set up to give field staff experience in inspecting onsite systems. Areas for performing soil borings on the property and the adjacent public lands are made available to provide first-hand experience in observing soil colors and textures in place in the ground. The goal of the center is to elevate the professional state of practice both for Florida Department of Health's county health department field staff, private site evaluators, onsite wastewater contractors, engineers, and engineering staff and a variety of basic and advanced courses are offered.

For information on courses or to register contact:

Sherrill Parr
Florida Onsite Wastewater Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 665
Winter Haven, FL 33882
Phone: 863-845-5262
Fax: 877-832-9434
Last Modified: Monday, Jun 17, 2024 - 11:59am