The Environmental Resource Permitting program regulates most alterations to the land surface in Florida that are not specifically exempt from regulation by statute or rule.

The State 404 Program regulates dredge or fill activities within state assumed waters. To determine what type of permit you need, please contact the district office in which your project is located.

Available Online ERP Submissions

Self-Certification for Single-Family Docks

The self-certification process allows the user to enter information and certify that their single-family dock project is exempt from requiring a DEP permit. There is no fee for using ESSA self-cert. Types of exemptions available through self-certification are:

  • New dock with or without a boat lift.
  • Repair or replace an existing dock.
  • Addition of a boat lift to an existing dock.

10/2 Self-Certification

Certification of Qualification to use a General Permit for a Stormwater Management System serving less than 10 acres total project area and less than two acres impervious surface.

    Electronic Application Submittals

    Statewide ERP allows users to submit any type of ERP verification of exemption or permit application online, and now includes the option to apply for a State 404 Program authorization at the same time. Users can upload supporting documents and pay processing fees online.

    • Verification of Exemptions: Submittal to request verification whether an activity qualifies for an exemption from the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) requirements.
    • General Permits: Submittal for projects that qualify for a General Permit in accordance with Chapter 62-330, F.A.C. General Permits (GP) are provided for certain activities that have been determined to have minimal impacts to the water resources of the state when conducted in compliance with their terms and conditions.
    • Individual or Conceptual Permits: An environmental resource permit or a modification of an ERP for activities regulated under Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes; to construct, alter, operate, maintain or repair (excluding routine, custodial maintenance), abandon, or remove works or other activities, including a stormwater management system; and/or an authorization for activities which require authorization to use state-owned submerged lands, for activities located on such lands.
    • Continue an Incomplete Application: The system allows you to start an application, exit at any time, and return to complete it later. Follow this link to view any incomplete applications you have in process.
    Last Modified: Friday, Jun 09, 2023 - 02:57pm