First Aid kit on dock at Marbella Yacht Club

The department is committed to ongoing loss control management and health-safety activities. These include promoting safety committee participation; providing health and safety education and training; and reviewing and updating workplace safety rules. The management of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is committed to providing its employees with a safe and healthy workplace.

This policy statement serves to express management's commitment and involvement in providing our employees with a safe and healthy workplace.

It is the policy of this department that:

  • A safe and healthy work environment will be provided for the protection of its most vital resource - its employees. Employee safety is of the greatest importance to all levels of management and supervision, ranking in importance above production, quality, costs and service. Personal safety will not be compromised for any reason.
  • While the responsibility for safety begins and ends with the Secretary, all DEP employees share that responsibility. All employees, at every level, are fully responsible for their own safety and for the safety of those with whom they work. It is the department’s basic philosophy that all incidents are preventable when the causes are known.
  • Senior management will be actively involved with employees in establishing and maintaining an effective safety program.
  • Management will develop and communicate clear goals and objectives, and provide the financial resources and authority necessary to correct unsafe conditions and implement changes to improve workplace safety.
  • Managers and supervisors will be held accountable for ensuring employees are aware of known workplace hazards and are trained to work safely.
  • Management may take disciplinary action against an employee who violates workplace safety rules. This action may be subject to disciplinary action, to include verbal or written reprimands, and may ultimately result in termination of employment.
  • Employees are to perform all work tasks in a safe manner.
  • Employees must report incidents, injuries and unsafe conditions to their supervisors and will not be subject to retaliation, penalty or any other disincentive.
  • When an incident occurs, immediate attention will be arranged for the ill or injured individual.
  • Employee recommendations to improve health and safety conditions will be given full consideration by management.

  Jeff Loflin, Agency Safety Officer 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., MS 70 Tallahassee, Florida 32399