The information on this webpage is intended to be utilized as guidance for the working safety of all concerned on program and non-program cleanup sites in the state of Florida.

Health & Safety Plans for DWM Programs

(Recommended Minimum Requirements)


In an effort to consistently provide support for all Division of Waste Management cleanup programs, all cleanup contractors working under term contracts for the department shall include at a minimum the following key elements in their Health and Safety Plans (HASPs):


  • Site description including availability of resources such as electricity, roads, etc.
  • Description of the specific work areas and evaluation of risks associated with site with each activity conducted included, but not limited to, on-site and off-site exposure to contaminants.
  • List of key personnel and alternates responsible for site safety, response operations and protection of public health.
  • Establishment of procedures to control site access.
  • Specific description of levels of protection (list items) to be worn by personnel in the work area.
  • Description of decontamination procedures for personnel and equipment
  • Establishment of site-specific emergency procedures, including route to nearest medical facility and emergency care for on-site injuries


Each and every site Health and Safety Plan (HASP) shall be consistent with:


  • OSHA Regulations, particularly with 29CFR-1910 and 1926
  • EPA Order 1440.2 – Health and Safety Requirements for Employees engaged in Field Activities
  • EPA Standard Operating Safety Guide (1984)
  • EPA Order 1440.3 – Respiratory Protection
  • NIOSH Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities (1985)
  • Appropriate state and local government regulations


NOTE: Each and every site Health and Safety Plan must be revised to address any additions and/or changes in planned activity at the site.

Example Health & Safety Plans

While there are numerous HASPs in DEP OCULUS that can be used as templates, a number of scanned HASP examples for common activities can be found below. Follow the link and click the "PUBLIC OCULUS LOGIN" button to access the document:


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Last Modified: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 09:23am