The state of Florida created the Petroleum Cleanup Participation Program (PCPP) for owners, operators, or responsible parties to clean up property contaminated with petroleum or petroleum products from a petroleum storage system by providing rehabilitation funding assistance from the Inland Protection Trust Fund (IPTF).

Please see section 376.3071(13), Florida Statutes, for all statutory requirements.

What is PCPP?

PCPP is a clean-up program providing rehabilitation funding assistance for property currently contaminated by discharges of petroleum or petroleum products from a petroleum storage system occurring before January 1, 1995.

The department scores and ranks PCPP eligible discharges based on human health and safety risks. When department funds become available to clean up the PCPP eligible discharge based on that priority ranking, the department will notify the current real property owner in writing. The property owner, operator or person otherwise responsible for site rehabilitation (owner/RP) must then prepare and provide the department a limited contamination assessment report (LCAR) (or assessment data equivalent to an LCAR) sufficient to determine the extent of the contamination and cleanup.

After the approval of the LCAR, the owner/RP must then enter into a PCPP agreement with the department and may recommend or have the Department identify an agency term contractor to clean up the PCPP eligible discharge. The owner/RP must pay for the LCAR and enter into a PCPP Agreement to provide the department with either a 25% copayment, 25% cost-savings (in the form of contractor rate reduction or difference in cost associated with a Risk Management Option Level 1 closure versus a Risk Management Option II, or combination of copayment/cost-savings equal to 25%.  

For cost-savings where the owner/RP agrees to a RMOII, a Conditional Closure Agreement (CCA) will be required along with an Interim Restoration Covenant (IRC) prior to the start of work.

Who May Participate?

The department shall accept any discharge reporting form (DRF) received prior to Jan. 1, 1995, as an application for this program, and the facility owner/RP need not reapply.

The owner/RP may also apply by filing a written report of the contamination incident, including evidence that such incident occurred before Jan. 1, 1995. The affidavit or the written report should be submitted to the department as notification of intent to participate in PCPP. Owner/RPs of property contaminated by petroleum or petroleum products from a petroleum storage system who are not already eligible under another IPTF program Abandoned Tank Restoration Program (ATRP), Early Detection Incentive Program (EDI), Florida Petroleum Liability Restoration Insurance Program (FPLRIP), Innocent Victim Petroleum Storage System Restoration Program (IVPSSRP), or have not already completed site cleanup may participate.

Additionally, properties owned by the federal government when the discharge occurred or identified by the U.S. EPA to be on or qualify for listing on the National Priorities List under Superfund are not eligible to participate.

PCPP Agreement Documents

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Last Modified: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 09:23am