NOTE: For best results, please use Chrome or Firefox web browsers when accessing these reports.

STCM Database Queries

  • Contractor Performance Evaluation Summary Report - (Contractor Performance Scores)
    This report returns detailed and summary information for each Contractor Performance Evaluation (CPE) based on the Contract Number or Contractor Identification Number.  User can query all performance evaluation data or has the option to limit the data to a date range.
  • Contractor Scoped Work Status Report - (Invoice Status Report)
    This report provides a comprehensive overview of information, stored by cleanup contractor, related to Cleanup Work Issued. This does not match the encumbrance balance for the RCI calculations. Please refer to the Work Assignment Process and RCI for the associated business rules.
  • Encumbrance Balance Report
    This report provides a detail or summary of the encumbrance balance. The fiscal year referenced is the original encumbrance year and to utilize older year funding as available,  invoice payments or current encumbrance year may be paid out of a different funding year. If the period of service should be updated, please contact the site manager assigned to the facility. 
  • Petroleum Cleanup Funding CAP To Date Report - (CAP To Date Report)
    This report is offered as a TOOL to assist in determining the total amounts encumbered from the Inland Protection Trust Fund for DEP registered facilities with one or more eligible discharges.
    • The amounts are at the facility level only and not associated with a particular discharge.
    • These data have NOT been 100 percent verified, MAY contain errors and omissions, and should NOT be used for official purposes without a complete file review and database reconciliation.
    • The Total Amount Encumbered Towards the CAP exclude costs encumbered in association with the Limited Source Removal Initiative in Conjunction with an Early Underground Storage Tank Upgrade (Funding Priority 2J), Innovative Technology (Funding Priority 2W), or Environmental Forensic Site Investigation and Other Technical Support Services Contract (FTSS) which are not applicable to cleanup funding CAPs. 
  • Work Order Export Report
    This report is for Local Program Counties and or Site Management Teams to manually download to enhance their local database. The report returns WO information from SPI Start Date to work order/purchase order numbers, encumbrance approval date and tracking of deliverable due dates, received date and completion status date. The report can be downloaded by facility county, managing team/local program and SPI start date range. The report can also be exported to excel to filtered and sort further.


STCM Database Reports

Files are available for download by district. The common field in each file is the facility identification number. Discharge information and task information must be linked by facility identification numbers and by discharge identification numbers.

  • Contaminated Facilities List
    The Contaminated Facilities report provides the facility ID, facility type, score, rank, operator information, owner information, as well as latitude and longitude information, for facilities that currently have contamination. This report does not include discharges that are not required for 62-780 or discharges that already have been cleaned up.
  • Contaminated Media
    The Contaminated Media report provides the discharge date, combined discharge information, discharge cleanup status, site manager information, score, and contaminated media information for all facilities that have ever had contamination. This report includes discharges that are not required for 62-780 as well as discharges that already have been cleaned up.
  • Contractors Assigned to Work Orders
    The Contractors Assigned to Work Orders report lists facilities with at least one discharge that requires cleanup per the 62-780 rule where cleanup is not yet complete. The report lists the contractor who is assigned to perform cleanup activities at the facility on the most recently issued Pre-approval Work Order or Task Assignment.
  • Deliverable Status Report
    The Deliverables Status Report provides deliverable information for reports submitted to the Department for the Petroleum Restoration Program.  The report provides the County, Facility ID, Facility Name, Report Type, Due Date, Received Date, Status Date, Status, Site Manager, TA/WO#, Contract Number (GC #), and Purchase Order # and can be filtered by Facility, Work Order/Task Assignment, PO, Contract, and/or Date Range.
  • Discharge Cleanup Summary
    The Discharge Cleanup Summary report provides the discharge date, discharge cleanup status, eligibility information, and priority funding score for all discharges that have ever had contamination. This report includes discharges that are not required for 62-780, F.A.C. as well as discharges that already have been cleaned up.
  • Historical Contaminated Facilities List
    The Contaminated Facilities report provides the facility ID, facility type, score, rank, operator information, owner information, as well as latitude and longitude information, for all facilities that have ever had contamination. This report includes discharges that are not required for 62-780 as well as discharges that already have been cleaned up.
  • Historical Owner Information (by county)
    The Historical Owner Information Report provides current and historical facility and responsible party contact information, facility location (latitude/longitude and section/township/range), facility rank, and score for all facilities.
  • Petroleum Cleanup PCT Facility Score Report
    The PCT Facility Score Report provides facility ID, highest current score, facility name, facility status, facility type, facility location, current facility contact information and current primary responsible party contact information for facilities that currently have at least one discharge in Active Cleanup or Awaiting Cleanup.
  • Petroleum Cleanup Program Eligibility (Including Consent Orders [CO] and Site Rehabilitation Funding Agreements [SRFA])
    This report will open directly in Excel.  The Program Eligibility report provides the discharge date, discharge cleanup status, all eligibility status information, site manager information, state funding limits*, and score for all discharges that have ever had contamination or approved for State funding. Petroleum Cleanup Participation Program (PCPP) Agreement ceilings are not included in this report; please see OCULUS or contact the site manager or the PCPP Agreement Coordinator (see PRP Web Contacts).
    • *The state funding limit is the statutory funding limit minus the outstanding deductible amount.  PCPP discharges may be eligible for up to an additional $100,000 in auxiliary funding, please contact the PCPP Coordinator for more information or Oculus to review the executed agreement(s).  
    • Providing all eligibility status information may produce multiple records per discharge.
    • This report includes discharges that are not required for 62-780 as well as discharges that already have been cleaned up.

Commonly Requested Reports

STCM Database Codes List

Return to: Database Reports & Site Files webpage.

Return to: SOP Site Manager Guide webpage.


Last Modified: Saturday, Sep 10, 2022 - 11:06am