In accordance with Rule 62-772.300, F.A.C., Contractor performance on state-funded petroleum cleanup projects shall be evaluated, monitored and documented after each Work Order (WO) or Purchase Order (PO) with input from the Property Owner(Owner)/Responsible Party (RP). 

The rule incorporates two forms for completion of these evaluations:

There are two different types of evaluations: the Contractor Performance Evaluation (CPE) and the Interim Performance Evaluation (IPE). A CPE must be completed by the Site Manager after the final invoice has been submitted for each WO or PO. An Interim Contractor Performance Evaluation (IPE) may also be completed anytime prior to the end of the WO or PO at the site manager’s discretion. IPE do not require input from the Owner/RP. Only one CPE can be completed per PO or CO, but there are no such limits to IPE.

The Site Owner/Responsible Party Contractor Performance Survey Form should be solicited from the Owner/RP once the PO or WO final deliverable is reviewed and approved. Such requests may be conducted by email, telephone, mail or in person and must be documented in a Communication Log at the completion of each PO.

Review the Contractor Performance Evaluation Guidance for more detail on completion of these forms.

The CPE and Owner/RP Survey must be input in the Storage Tank and Contamination Monitoring (STCM) database. See the STCM Performance Evaluation User Guide for guidance on STCM entry of CPEs.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 09:23am