
An eQuote is a sourcing application tool which utilizes MyFloridaMarketplace (MFMP) to solicit quotes from selected vendors to complete a scope of work (SOW) at the best value to the State.

When is eQuote applicable?

In the Petroleum Restoration Program, eQuotes are typically used when remedial action construction or source removal projects are anticipated to cost $325,000 or more.  However, pursuant to the Agency Term Contract, the Department may assign any work funded by the IPTF in any of the ways and options provided in Chapter 287, F.S., which includes requesting quotes (eQuotes). 

In accordance with the Contractor Assignment Process, an eQuote is required when the purchase order (PO) cost for the next SOW is $325,000 or greater. Cost share sites are exempt from the eQuote requirement if the responsible party (RP) is paying 25% or more towards the cost of site rehabilitation and the Department has accepted the RPs recommended ATC contractor to conduct the work. Cleanups funded through an Advanced Cleanup for Redevelopment Agreement are also generally exempt from the eQuote requirement. An RP always has the option to request an eQuote if they determine it to be the best value. An eQuote may also be considered when a site is reaching its CAP, or at the Department's discretion.

Scopes of work cannot be split or phased to avoid the eQuote threshold. For Remedial Action Construction and Source Removal scopes of work, site assessment must be completed prior proceeding to eQuote and should not be included in the scope. Scopes of work for Remedial Action Construction must include 1 quarter of Operation & Maintenance (O&M). Scopes of work for Source Removal must include necessary resurfacing and well re-installation.

If the contract assignment type (in STCM) is SCOPE (Direct Assign for Continuing Scope), the current ATC may negotiate and reduce their ATC rates for specific pay items in order to reduce the total SOW cost to below the $325,000 threshold. Site managers and contractors must ensure that all reasonably anticipated costs (mobs, per diem, lab, carbon change-out, etc.) are included in the SOW/Schedule of Pay Items (SPI).  Change orders should not be processed which will bring the cost above the $325,000 threshold. Negotiated rates are applicable only to the SOW they are proposed for unless otherwise stated.

Preparing for an eQuote

The site manager prepares the SOW and enters the SPI in STCM using QUOT2 as the Contract Assignment Type. The project is processed through the Contractor Assignment process and forwarded to the eQuote Specialist. After reviewing the SOW/SPI, the eQuote committee, made up of the site manager and project PE as well as professional staff in Tallahassee, will meet to evaluate if the project is feasible and clearly scoped, and that all anticipated pay items are included in the SPI. A level 2 RAP Modification (RAP MOD) is added to the first task to allow the awarded contractor to become the engineer of record. Mobilization and Per Diem pay items are removed and only a placeholder is entered in task 1 to allow the bidders to determine and enter the appropriate number of units and distances to fit on their implementation. Similarly, bidders are able to choose between transportation and disposal distance and methods. Activities that do not fit the identified pay items are added to section 22 as lump sum or specific units of measure and will not require 3 quotes or supporting invoice documentation during invoicing.

MFMP and the eQuote

The eQuote is built in the Sourcing application of MFMP and all identified ATC vendors in the sites’ region are invited to participate. Once an eQuote is published in MFMP, the Department (site manager, PE, PG, eQuote Specialist, etc.) cannot directly discuss the eQuote or site history with any ATC representative. All correspondence to and from the Department must be submitted through the MFMP Message Board.

Each eQuote has a 1-week question period (specified in section 5 of the eQuote) for ATCs to submit questions regarding the SOW/SPI or the solicitation in general. The eQuote committee will review each question submitted and post a response document to the message board within 48 hours of the closure of the question period to allow all ATCs invited to the eQuote to view the questions and responses. If applicable, Attachment A (SOW) and Attachment B (SPI) may be revised and uploaded to the eQuote at the same time as the response document. Questions submitted after the question period will not be addressed unless they are determined to be critical to the project.

An eQuote is published with a closing date and time (approximately 2 weeks from the initial posting). MFMP locks the solicitation after the period is closed and will not accept late submittals. Submittals are secure and cannot be viewed or opened by the Department until the period closes. Once closed, the PRP eQuote Specialist will rank responses from the lowest to highest cost and begin evaluating for responsiveness and responsible submittals commencing with the lowest cost submittal.

Submittals deemed unresponsive (not completed or submitted in accordance with the eQuote instructions) are discarded and the next lowest submittal is evaluated. Upon determination that a submittal meets required criteria, no other submittals are evaluated.

A tabulation of results including the Awardee is posted to the MFMP message board.

Managing an eQuote Project

Once the eQuote is awarded, the site manager is notified to prepare the task assignment. The eQuote specialist finalizes the Attachment A and Attachment B documents and prepares the purchase requisition in MFMP for site manager and management review. The PO is issued and work should proceed.

Scope changes are generally not allowed for eQuotes as eQuotes are solicited and awarded based on costs for the specific scope. However, occasionally site conditions are encountered, requiring change orders to accomplish a technically appropriate scope. These change orders will be highly scrutinized during review by the PRP eQuote Specialist to avoid the perception of scope changes and will only be approved when in the best interest of the State.  Due date extensions may be processed by the site manager, but must be supported by valid justification.

Only change orders for conditions which could not be anticipated will be approved. If the site manager determines that a Request for Change (RFC) is valid, the internally approved change order must be submitted to the PRP eQuote Specialist for review and final written approval. Additionally, the SPI workbook for all eQuotes is locked to prevent changes to the units or rates. A copy of the Attachment B (downloaded from MFMP) must be submitted with the RFC to the PRP eQuote Specialist. When the PRP eQuote Specialist concurs that the changes meet the requirements for an eQuote, they will sign the RFC and update the SPI per the RFC and provide the updated SPI and signed RFC to the site manager for processing through MFMP.


Return to: PRP Site Manager Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) webpage.

Return to: SOP - 8. Contractor Assignment and Selection Process webpage.

Return to: SOP Site Manager Guide webpage.

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 09:22am