Cleanup Phase

Site activities are classified according to their cleanup phase to enable tracking of the individual components of a site cleanup. There are four cleanup phases including Source Removal (SR), Site Assessment (SA), Remedial Action (RA), and Performance Based Cleanup (PBC). All sites do not necessarily include all phases, but once a phase is complete, the site cannot move back into a prior phase. The SR phase is not common and is applicable only when source removal is conducted prior to beginning site assessment. Most sites begin in the SA phase and typically move into the RA phase once the Site Assessment Report is approved. Sites that qualify for no further action (site closure) based on the findings of the site assessment report will not move to the RA phase. Once a site moves from the SA phase into the RA phase, it does not move back to the SA phase if additional assessment if found to be necessary. Performance Based Cleanup is the fourth phase, but this phase is independent of the other phases and can incorporate both SA and RA phases. Please visit the Performance Based Cleanup page for more information regarding PBCs.


Because site cleanup is rarely a straight line process, it is necessary to distinguish between where we are in the cleanup and what we’re doing. For example, it is quite common to do additional assessment work after the Remedial Action Plan is completed or the RA has begun. To be able to distinguish between site assessment and supplemental assessment during remediation, a two-tiered system is used for indicating cleanup activity. The first tier is called the Cleanup Phase and is used to tell where we are in the cleanup. The second tier is called the Sub-Phase and is used to further delineate what we’re doing within that phase. The table below lists the four Cleanup Phases and the respective Sub-Phases within each phase.

Petroleum Cleanup Phase and Sub-Phase Table

Cleanup PhaseSub-PhaseAbbreviation
Source Removal (SR)
[Initial SR prior to SA only]
Site Assessment (SA)SR-SA
Source Removal (SR)SR-SR
Site Assessment (SA)Site Assessment (SA)SA-SA
 Well Abandonment Site Closure (WASC)SA-WASC
Remedial Action (RA)Natural Attenuation Monitoring (NAM)RA-NAM
 Operation & Maintenance (OM)RA-OM
 Post Active Remediation Monitoring (PARM)RA-PARM
 Remedial Action Construction (RAC)RA-RAC
 Remedial Action Plan (RAP)RA-RAP
 Site Assessment (SA)RA-SA
 Source Removal (SR)RA-SR
 Well Abandonment Site Closure (WASC)RA-WASC
Performance Based Cleanup (PBC)Natural Attenuation Monitoring (NAM)PBC-NAM
 Operation & Maintenance (OM)PBC-OM
 Post Active Remediation Monitoring (PARM) PBC-PARM
 Remedial Action Construction (RAC)PBC-RAC
 Remedial Action Plan (RAP)PBC-RAP
 Site Assessment (SA)PBC-SA
 Soil Removal (SR)PBC-SR
 Well Abandonment Site Closure (WASC)PBC-WASC


Activity Types

Activity types are used to describe the activities being conducted within each task of a work order/task assignment. The current list of available activity type and descriptions can be found in the table below.

Petroleum Cleanup Activity Table

CSRContaminated Soil Removal
FPRFree Product Removal
FSIForensic Site Investigation
ISAInitial Site Assessment
LSRALimited Scope Remedial Action
LSRAPLimited Scope Remedial Action Plan
LTNAMLong-term Natural Attenuation Monitoring
MODRemedial Action Modification Plan
NAMNatural Attenuation Monitoring
NAPNatural Attenuation Monitoring Plan
O&MOperation & Monitoring
PRMPost Active Remediation Monitoring
PTPilot Test
RACRemedial Action Construction
RAPRemedial Action Plan
SASite Assessment
SCSite Closure
SCSLow Score Assessment
SSASupplemental Site Assessment
VSVerification Sampling
WAWell Abandonment


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Last Modified: Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024 - 08:33am