In 2019, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Waste Cleanup Program conducted a statewide survey of 15 drycleaning facilities eligible for state funded cleanup. The purpose of this survey was to gather information regarding whether Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) s could be a contaminant of concern at these facilities.

While PFAS are not typically used by the drycleaning industry; the potential may exist for PFAS to be a part of the waste stream resulting from the cleaning or laundering of fabrics at drycleaners. The results of the survey showed that PFAS can be associated with the waste streams of drycleaners.

The most common and well-studied PFAS are Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS). PFOA and PFOS are man-made chemicals that do not occur naturally in the environment. They have been used in a variety of commercial products since the 1940s, including stain and water repellents used in textile manufacturing and fire suppression foams. 

DEP has calculated provisional Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels (GCTLs) for PFOA and PFOS. The calculations were completed in accordance with Chapter 62-777, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), equations and methodology. The provisional GCTLs for PFOA and PFOS concentrations are 70 nanograms per liter (ng/l), and 70 ng/l for the sum of PFOA and PFOS concentrations. 

The below figure shows the location of the 15 drycleaner sites that were sampled during the 2019 survey and the initial sampling results.  DEP’s Waste Cleanup Program continues to screen eligible drycleaning sites for PFAS.

(Click image for a full-sized map)

Where contamination has been identified above the DEP provisional GCTL, DEP has coordinated with the Florida Department of Health to determine if there are nearby water supply wells and conduct sampling of water drinking wells, where necessary, to ensure protection of human health. The Waste Cleanup Program continues to assess the drycleaner sites that had contamination above the provisional GCTLs to determine the probable source of contamination, evaluate the environmental impacts, and develop cleanup plans to reduce potential risk of exposure to human health and the environment.

DEP is committed to providing timely information to the public regarding these efforts. This webpage will be dedicated to making this information readily available and accessible to the public.  

To review additional information on drycleaner sites that have been screened for PFAS, please search the  DEP Nexus Information Portal using the site ID number, ERIC ID, or search using the site address. This information may be found on the Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program Priority Ranking List.

Return to the DEP Efforts to Address PFOA and PFOS in the Environment page.


Last Modified: Monday, Jan 08, 2024 - 02:29pm