The prevention and cleanup of contamination by hazardous waste is one of the nation's major concerns. But nowhere is it of greater importance than in Florida, where ground water is the source of almost 90 percent of the state's drinking water. The recreational benefits and fish and wildlife habitats provided by Florida's surface waters must also be protected. Florida's natural resources are vital to the quality of life its residents and visitors expect and enjoy. While Florida is not normally thought of as an industrialized state, sources of pollution do exist, and generated wastes need proper treatment and disposal. Florida's environmental laws can and do help to prevent contamination by today's activities, but actions in the past have left Florida a legacy of hazardous waste sites.

The Waste Site Cleanup Section is responsible for the remediation of hazardous waste sites where enforcement has been unsuccessful or only partially successful, and for coordination with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency during EPA managed remediation of National Priority List Superfund sites in the state of Florida. The section is also responsible for the cleanup of contamination resulting from the operation of eligible drycleaning facilities.

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Waste Cleanup Program #850-245-8705, MS #4505


Last Modified: Friday, Apr 12, 2024 - 02:51pm