
Waste Site Cleanup Section

This section is responsible for managing state-funded investigation and cleanup of hazardous waste sites and coordinating with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) during cleanup of federal Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) sites. The section is also responsible for implementing the Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program.

Site Investigation Section

This section investigates reports of known or suspected soil and groundwater contamination statewide, and issues technical reports to support district assessment and cleanup decisions. All Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessment strategies are within the section’s capabilities. In addition, the section manages the State-Owned Lands Cleanup Program.

Federal Programs Section

This section oversees cleanup of Department of Defense and other federal facilities. The section also oversees the Base Closure and Realignment process that closing military bases are required to perform in concert with the state and EPA to determine that transferring property is suitable from a human health and environmental aspect for its designated reuse.

CERCLA Site Screening

This section conducts site screening assessments on sites with confirmed or suspected contamination to document if there was a release of hazardous substances and to evaluate the site for possible inclusion on the NPL.

Brownfields Redevelopment Program

This section focuses on reducing public health and environmental hazards on existing commercial and industrial sites that are abandoned or underused due to these hazards; creating financial and regulatory incentives to encourage voluntary cleanup and redevelopment of sites; deriving cleanup target levels and a process for obtaining a "No Further Action" letter using Risk-Based Corrective Action principles; and providing the opportunity for Environmental Equity and Justice.