The Hillsborough Community College Fire Academy is located at:

5610 East Columbus Drive
Tampa, FL 33619

This facility is utilized for day use only training exercises. It is served by a municipal water supply system that provides its drinking water. The facility has one onsite well which is used to supply the facility’s fire hydrants.

On March 27-28, 2019, DEP and state contractor staff completed sampling of soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater at the facility. Based on the results of this initial sampling, onsite groundwater contamination by perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) as well as soil contamination were present above provisional cleanup target levels.

DEP advised the Florida Department of Health (DOH) of these results and directed them to develop and implement a community sampling plan. DOH completed the sampling of ninety-three potable wells around the Hillsborough Community College Fire Academy on Feb. 7, 2020, and found twenty-seven wells that exceeded the Health Advisory Level. DOH efforts are ongoing. 

DEP is currently performing supplementary assessment to define the extent of the contamination and oversee the development of a cleanup plan.

DEP’s Water Supply Restoration Program is providing bottled water to all interested affected private well owners whose test results exceeded the established EPA Health Advisory Level. This voluntary program also provides funding for a filter, well restoration or connection to public water system as necessary to ensure a safe drinking water supply. This bottled water supply will remain available until one of these options is in place.

A link summarizing important events at this facility is included below.  More information about this site can be accessed through DEP's information portal.  The Facility/Site ID is ERIC_7397.


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Last Modified: Friday, Mar 15, 2024 - 01:36pm