The Miami-Dade Academy of Fire Science is located at:

3180 NW 119th Street
Miami-Dade County, Florida

This facility uses aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) on a weekly basis which is stored on-site. The facility has 70 employees and trains in excess of 300 personnel each year. The AFFF is applied on concrete and run-off is collected by a drain system. Drinking water to the facility is provided by the local municipality.

Analytical results provided by the College’s environmental consultant indicate that groundwater samples from ten on-site monitor wells exceeded the provisional perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) + perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) Groundwater Cleanup Target Level (GCTL).  

DEP advised the Florida Department of Health (DOH) of these results and directed them to develop and implement a community sampling plan. DOH reconnaissance efforts did not identify any drinking water supply wells in the area so it is has suspended site activities.

DEP is currently performing supplementary assessment to define the extent of the contamination and oversee the development of a cleanup plan.  A link summarizing important events at this facility is included below.  More information about this site can be accessed through DEP's information portal.  The Facility/Site ID is ERIC_7421.


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Last Modified: Monday, Mar 18, 2024 - 11:16am