The Palm Beach County Rescue facility is located at:

405 Pike Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 

It is unsure whether this facility ever used firefighting aqueous film forming foam (AFFF).  It may have been used fifteen to twenty years ago.  The facility is served by a municipal water supply system.

A preliminary site assessment (PSA) was conducted August 15, 2019.  Soil samples were collected from two intervals (0-1’ and 1'-2’ below land surface) at fourteen boring locations.  Four sediment samples, one surface water sample and a groundwater sample were also collected during the PSA.

Laboratory analytical results indicate the concentrations of perfluorooctanoate acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in groundwater samples collected were above the provisional cleanup target level. These analytes are associated with AFFF. 

The concentrations of PFOA and PFOS found in soil were also above provisional cleanup target levels. FDOH was requested to implement a community sample plan. DOH completed the sampling of eight potable wells around the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Station on September 30, 2020, and identified one well that exceeded the Health Advisory Level. DOH efforts are ongoing. DEP will continue to work with the County to develop a cleanup plan to remove or contain the contamination to prevent environmental impact and human exposure. A County consultant has commenced additional site assessment activities.

A link summarizing important events at this facility is included below.  More information about this site can be accessed through DEP's information portal.  The Facility/Site ID is ERIC_7412.


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Last Modified: Monday, Mar 18, 2024 - 01:19pm