Low-Scored Site Initiative (LSSI) Information and Documents

DEP is authorized pursuant to section 376.3071(12)(b), Florida Statute, to provide funding for the Low-Scored Site Initiative (LSSI), a voluntary program intended to bring discharges at low-scored (scored < 29 points) sites to closure via Site Rehabilitation Completion Order, LSSI No Further Action or conditional closure (Risk Management Options II or III as specified in Chapter 62-780, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)). A total of $15 million of annual funding may be used from DEP’s PRP appropriation for this activity for state-funded eligible discharges. Funding for any one site is limited to no more than $35,000 for assessment, and an additional amount of no more than $35,000 for limited remediation if the assessment and/or limited remediation will likely result in a determination of “No Further Action.” 

Property owners may also utilize the provisions specified in section 376.3071(12)(b) to address ineligible discharges at sites with a Priority Score of 29 point or less. However, DEP is not authorized to provide state funding to assess or remediate ineligible discharges.

Property owners of sites with eligible discharges may apply for LSSI funding by submitting a completed LSSI Application and Contractor Selection Sheet along with a LSSI proposal including the proposed scope of work and associated cost estimates. LSSI Application and Contractor Selection Sheets and the LSSI proposals should be submitted concurrently to:   

Bob Martinez Center
2600 Blair Stone Road
Mail Station 4540
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400
Attention: Rob Perlowski

Special note regarding sites with ongoing state-funded LSSI activities:

Property owners and responsible parties of eligible sites currently funded from LSSI Work Orders issued before July 1, 2016, are not required to provide an updated LSSI Application at this time. However, an updated LSSI Application will be required for these sites if the issuance of a Fiscal Year 2016-17 LSSI work order is necessary to implement a proposed and accepted limited remedial strategy. In addition if the current real property owner did not sign the most recent LSSI Application, a new LSSI Application signed by the current real property owner is required.

If a site was previously assessed under LSSI and returned to priority score order because it didn’t meet closure criteria at the time, the current real property owner may reapply to determine if the site meets the current criteria specified in the statute. These sites will be processed on a first-come, first-serve order based on application/proposal received date.

For additional information regarding the LSSI process, please refer to the LSSI Procedural and Technical Guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the difference between a Low-Scored Assessment (LSA) and the Low-Scored Site Initiative (LSSI)?

The Low-Scored Site Initiative is authorized by the Florida Legislature to expedite the assessment, remediation and potential closure of discharges eligible for state funding at sites that are scored 29 or less.

The Low Scored Assessment is authorized by the department to collect enough information about discharge(s) to place them into one of the four categories (Imminent threat, Monitoring, Await cleanup in priority score order and Closure Order). This will help close some of the discharges that have no exceedances, establish a baseline contamination level, provide plume information to person responsible for site rehabilitation (PRSR) and provide a fiscal estimate of cleanup to PRSRs to assist them in planning.

How much will a LSSI Assessment or remediation cost me?

There is no cost to you to assess or remediate eligible discharges. Program deductibles and co-payments do not apply to LSSI expenditures (if a discharge is not closed under the LSSI funding process, any applicable deductible[s] will need to be paid once funding is resumed). In addition, the requirement for a property owner to complete a Limited Contamination Assessment Report (LCAR) in order to fulfill Petroleum Cleanup Participation Program (PCPP) eligibility is waived for participation under the LSSI. If during the course of the LSSI assessment or remediation, it is determined that additional funds over and above the allowable assessment ($35,000) or remediation ($35,000) funding caps, the property owner may choose to contribute funding to complete those phases in an effort to reach closure. Discharges addressed in consent orders, settlement agreements or Site Rehabilitation Funding Allocation (SRFA) agreements will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to the terms of the respective document.

If you have any questions or comments concerning LSSI, please contact Graham Witt at 850-222-6446, ext. 5001.

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Last Modified: Tuesday, Jun 04, 2024 - 07:56am